We are ready to assist you with commercial lawn and garden products for your specific application needs, workplace and working environment.
A. Pamphilon & Sons was founded in 1875 by Allen Pamphilon. His business started out selling house hold goods such as pots and pans etc and fuels such as coal and paraffin from a front room of his cottage located in Wood Street.
In 1900 he purchased a new purpose built shop in Wood Street and traded in house wares along with his daughter Florence and son William. Florence and William were driven business people whom made a real success of the store. In the years to follow Florence met, fell in love and married the shop keeper next door (Spencer Earthy) whom ran an ironmongers. After the safe return of William and Spencer from (World War I) Florence and Spencer merged their business and made A. Pamphilon & Sons one of the most well known hardware stores in East London.
In the 1940’s as an addition to the business the family started trading in lawnmowers sales and service… Continue to read our history